This update is a feature release of AstroDMx Capture. It implements support for a new SVBONY camera and has improved preset region of interest resolutions.
The new upcoming SV705C is fully supported in this release. The SV705C is an uncooled colour camera which uses the Sony IMX585 sensor with no significant amp glow. Our tests show that it is proving to be a capable camera for bright DSOs as well as for solar system imaging.
Region of Interest
This version implements a new method to generate a list of predefined region of interest resolutions. The list is now reversed, that is to say, the higher resolution presets are listed first followed by the lower resolutions. The new code stops invalid resolutions from being shown in the resolution drop-down list. It is, of course, still possible to select a custom resolution by either using the mouse to draw around an object or by using the custom resolution dialog window.
Know Issues
The known issues list for version is the same as for the previous version. For more information please see the known issues section of this site.
The new version ( can be found on the main downloads page.
Meanwhile, work continues to progress on the upcoming INDI support. Mount control and plate solving functionality is now stable as is filter wheel and focuser control. Work continues on the implementation of INDI cameras.
The following screenshot shows AstroDMx Capture connected to an AVX mount and a PlayerOne camera which was connected via INDI. The INDI server was running on a Raspberry Pi and AstroDMx on Fedora Linux.

The new INDI functionality will be released as version 2.0 when it’s ready.